INST 760 Data Visualization

Endangered Wildlife Insights

Image of a Rhino

Photo by Geranimo on Unsplash


In the midst of growing concerns about a potential sixth mass extinction, the urgency for public awareness and understanding of wildlife conservation trends has never been more critical. The earth is currently experiencing unprecedented rates of species decline and habitat loss, a situation that many scientists and environmentalists are likening to past mass extinction events. This alarming scenario underscores the necessity for collective awareness and action.

It is crucial for us, as members of the global community, to not only recognize the gravity of this situation but also to actively engage with the information and data pertaining to wildlife conservation. By gaining a deeper insight into the current state of wildlife populations, their threats, and the efforts being made to protect them, we can begin to comprehend the scale and scope of the challenges we face. This understanding is the first step towards fostering a more informed and conscientious society, one that is capable of taking decisive actions to address these critical environmental issues.

Our planet's rich biodiversity is not just an ecological treasure but also a vital component of our own survival and well-being. The loss of species and habitats poses significant risks, not only to the natural world but also to human health, economies, and societies at large. Therefore, making efforts to understand and engage with wildlife conservation is not just an act of environmental stewardship; it is an imperative for ensuring a sustainable and prosperous future for all.

Through this website, we aim to provide a comprehensive and accessible overview of the current trends in wildlife conservation. By presenting data, research, and insights in a clear and engaging manner, we hope to enlighten and inspire individuals to recognize the importance of this issue. Together, with increased awareness and collective action, we can contribute to reversing these alarming trends and safeguarding the future of our planet's incredible biodiversity.

Image of a Snake

Photo by Rajeevan MSN on Unsplash

Trends in Species Assessments: A Radial Overview

This radial chart provides a comprehensive visualization of the evolving trends in species assessments over the years.

How to Read:

When you hover over any data point in this chart, a tooltip will appear, providing the precise count of species across all genera assessed in that specific year. This interactive feature allows for an in-depth understanding of the annual species assessment data.

As it is clearly visible that the number of species that are being assessed is increasing every year.

Red List Category Trends: All Species-Wide Radial Chart

This radial chart offers a detailed visual representation of the changing patterns across various red list categories, encompassing a broad range of species. It effectively illustrates the progression and fluctuations within these categories, shedding light on the critical conservation statuses of diverse species.

How to Read:

The filter option to selectively include or exclude particular red list categories in the visualization. Clicking on the filter will remove the particular red list category from the visualization. By hovering over any data point on the chart, a tooltip will be displayed, revealing the exact count of species within all genera for each red list category in the selected year.

Image of a Crocodile

Photo by Rajeevan MSN on Unsplash

Genus-Wise Subspecies Counts in Red List Categories: A Dynamic Line Chart

This line chart dynamically displays the count of subspecies within various red list categories, categorized by genus type.

How to Read:

An interactive dropdown allows users to select and filter by genus, offering a tailored view of the data. Additionally, the filter option enables users to include or exclude specific red list categories from the visualization, providing a customized and detailed exploration of the data.